Volunteer Roster

Hi everyone, Please see attached an updated version of the volunteer roster for the remaining two weeks of the term. Changes have been made to include some families who have not yet had a ‘duty’ this term. A huge thank you to everyone for your co-operation with the roster. It has taken a load off […]

Week 6 Update

Just a reminder that there is NO SWIM CLUB this Friday evening (Friday 15th November) due to the Sherwood Street Festival. Club nights will continue until Friday the 6th of December which will be our breakup for Term 4. Thank you for your co-operation with our Thursday 6pm nomination cut-off times. It has been a […]

Week 4 News

Speeches have been made, voting completed and the results are out. A huge congratulations to our 2019/2020 Swim Club Captains! Captains – Maddie Preston and Ollie Mahoney Vice Captains – Lexi Winks and Hamish Wormwell. Well done to all of our nominees for their efforts!   Race Nominations As you all know, race nominations must be […]

Our Club Night Volunteer Roster

Our Club Night Volunteer Roster is now available for Term 4. Each family has been allocated two or three duties throughout the term. Remember if you can’t attend your allocated time, please arrange a swap. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday evening. Don’t forget nominations for races […]

Week 2  Despite the cooler weather we had a huge turnout to our first Club Night of the season with 93 swimmers registered to race. Please remember that race nominations open each week on a Sunday evening and close at 6pm on Thursday nights. There are no nominations taken on the pool deck. All Squads, […]

Term 4

We hope that everyone has enjoyed their break and are ready for the craziness of Term 4! A few quick reminders… All Learn to Swim and Squads will commence on Tuesday the 8th of October. There will be no classes on the Monday public holiday. Our first club night will take place on Friday the […]

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone to a new season! The Shark Tank is back in action with plenty of new and exciting plans for the season ahead! Our new timetable is live on the website and bookings are open for Holiday Intensives and Term 4 Learn to Swim and Squad Training. Friday night Club nights will also […]

Club Championship Results

The 2018/2019 Club Season came to an end on Friday evening with our Break Up and Presentation night. After an exciting Club Championships last Friday night, winners were announced and trophies and medallions awarded. Congratulations to the following swimmers: Club Champion – Charlie Wehl 2nd place – Maddie Preston 3rd place – Matilda Hansen 6 […]

Friday Club Break Up

Club Break-Up Just a quick reminder, tomorrow night will be our Club Presentation and Break-Up evening, The night will commence at 6pm and proceed as follows: Shark Fin Race Age Champion Awards Coaches Awards Novelty Racing – Parents…bring your togs if you wish to swim against your children! The Bar, BBQ and Canteen will be open for business. […]

Latest News

It has been a busy few weeks for our Swimmers! Oxley Road Cup On Sunday the 10th of March, 58 swimmers represented the Sharks at the Oxley Road Cup. This annual carnival between Sherwood, Graceville and Oxley Swim Clubs is a much anticipated event where the children demonstrate their talents in the pool and their […]