Last Club Night for 2016

Well after an action-packed, drama filled season, our Club Breakup will be taking place on Friday night December 2nd at the St Aidan’s Pool. Gates will open from 5pm with a free sausage sizzle and novelty games and races for the kids. Chips and drinks will be available for purchase and we ask that you […]

Just a few notes as we approach the last week of our swimming season. Please note that the Request for a Refund/Credit forms are due back by this Friday 25th of November. As previously mentioned, if you wish to be refunded you must complete and return this form by the above mentioned date. Otherwise a […]

Thank you to all our swimmers and families who competed at our club night on Friday held at St Aiden’s.  It was great to see the swimmers in the pool enjoying themselves after a few weeks off. The night ran smoothly with the  successful BBQ feeding the hungry swimmers and families.  A big thanks to our […]

Pool and Season Update

We appreciate your patience and understanding with the current delays and interruptions with our swimming season. As you know, electrical issues have forced the closure of the pool to ensure the safety of our swimmers. Unfortunately, the Electrician has encountered additional time delays whilst undertaking the required repairs. Due to the uncertainty with the time […]

Pool Update

Sherwood Sharks We are very pleased to announce that repair works have begun down at the Pool! As many of you are aware, an electrical issue forced the unexpected closure of the school pool. Whilst we understand that this has caused considerable inconvenience to many of our families, swimmers and members, our utmost priority is […]

Squad Training

Just a reminder that Squad Training (Mini, Intermediate and Senior) will commence this Monday the 7th of November at Dunlop Park Swimming Pool. Training time will run from 7am to 8.15pm each morning from Monday to Thursday. Please bring your own flippers and kickboard (if you have them). Entry fees will be tallied and paid by the Sharks. Parents […]

Sharks Update

Thank you for your patience with the work currently taking place at the school pool. The pool remains closed. We are still waiting for confirmation of the time periods involved but hope to do everything in our power to keep the Sharks in operation during this time. As more information comes to hand we will […]

As most of you are already aware our pool is undergoing some work to repair some electrical issues. Unfortunately this means that we have had to cancel all Learn to Swim, Squad and Club Meets until further notice. Work has already commenced to rectify the problem and we hope to be back in action as […]

Important Announcement

We are very disappointed to advise that our school pool has been closed effective immediately due to concerns regarding electrical issues. Extensive testing has been conducted by Energex and independent Electricians and the decision has been made to suspend all usage of the pool at this stage. This will mean an immediate cease on all […]