As most of you are already aware our pool is undergoing some work to repair some electrical issues. Unfortunately this means that we have had to cancel all Learn to Swim, Squad and Club Meets until further notice. Work has already commenced to rectify the problem and we hope to be back in action as soon as possible. We will endeavor to keep you updated with all decisions and information as it becomes available.

On a positive night, last Friday night we were fortunate to have special guests Dr Nelson and Ms Wells visit our Club Meet and present our new season Captains and Vice Captains with their ‘Leaders Shirts’. The Sharks work in close association with the school to provide the facilities that we are so fortunate to utilise. Thank you to Dr Nelson and Ms Wells for taking the time to be a part of our night!


New captains and Vice Captains..from left  Sian Smyth (C), Summer Lynes (VC), Ronin Coley(VC), Sam Parker(C).