Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the start of a new season in the Shark Tank! We know that it has been a long wait but we thank you for your support and patience along the way.    Term 4 is underway and our swimmers are back in the pool. This week saw the start of our Squad training sessions. […]

Registration Extended

Due to demand we have extended our online registration to Wednesday 10pm.  After this time anybody interested in enrolling in the squad lessons will need to enrol by emailing through the sign on forms. Please don’t forget to fill in your consent forms and bring to the pool for the first lesson. If you wish […]

Working Bee

With the new season about to begin its time to roll up your sleeves and attend our bi-annual Working Bee at the Shark Tank. On Monday the 2nd of October we will be meeting at the school pool to prepare the grounds for our Squad and Club swimmers. There are many jobs to do…ranging from mowing and gardening […]

Still Time To Register for Squad & Friday Club – Term 4

REGISTRATION OPENED for Squad and Sharks Club Membership Monday October 2nd – Working Bee 2-4pm. Tuesday October 3rd – Squad Training Commences Friday 6th October – Season Launch & First Club Night Squad swimmers and Club swimmers are requested to pre-register via the online form this form If spaces remain then swimmers can simply show […]


                WELCOME BACK TO THE TANK! We are thrilled to announce that the Shark Tank will be open for business in Term 4! All maintenance work is complete and we are ready to welcome all swimmers to get back in the water! Season Dates Tuesday September 12th – […]

Term 4 2016 Refund

Those families who paid for Term 4 squad fees (2017) and were unable to attend our makeup classes at Dunlop Pool were originally offered a credit for our Term 1 program. Obviously, with the problems experienced with the pool we have been unable to offer any squad lessons. You are therefore eligible for a 40% […]

Pool Update Term 1

It is with great disappointment that we must announce that we will be unable to operate at any time during the Sharks season in Term 1. Despite our efforts and the extensive work and testing carried out by Education QLD, the pool remains closed for the foreseeable future. We appreciate your patience throughout what has […]

Pool Update

A huge thank you to the families that gave up their Sunday afternoon to come down to the Pool and help clean up during our Working Bee this past weekend. Gardeners, mowers, blowers, high pressure hoses and cleaning cloths were furiously working to get the pool into top shape for the coming season. Thanks to the Woodbury, Hughes, Preston, […]

2017 Term 1

Sherwood Sharks We are thrilled to announce that the Shark Tank is now operational. The required work has been completed and we thank you for your understanding over the previous months. Huge thanks go to Mr Wayne Brown for his upkeep of the pool during this time, to Education Qld, the School Administration and our […]

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Club Break Up last Friday night. The kids (and families) had a great night eating, drinking and taking part in some crazy racing and novelty events. Big thank you to our coach Matteo for keeping the fun flowing in the pool! At this point we still have no […]