Week 3 in the Shark Tank

A rainy week did nothing to stop the action in the Pool!

Please read on for a few pieces of information that you may need!

  • As mentioned previously our Nominations for our 2017/2018 Club Captains will take place this Friday night. After considering the criteria (published in last weeks’ newsletter and available on our webpage sherwoodsharks.com) Grade 5 Club Members may like to nominate. Simply write your name on the list on the whiteboard as you enter the pool this Friday, and prepare a quick 2-minute speech outlining why you would make a great Captain. Speeches will take place the following Friday night on October 27th. New captains will be announced at our Club Championships the following week.
  •  Our Club Championships will take place on Friday the 3rd of October at 5pm. Swimmers will compete in races based on their age on the block that day! This regulation complies with Swimming Queensland’s Standard Swim Meet Rules. 9 years and under will swim 25m races (Freestyle, Breaststroke, Backstroke and Butterfly) and 10 years and over will have the opportunity to compete in 50m races (all 4 strokes) plus a 100m Freestyle event. There will be no assisted or 15m races that evening. Nomination forms will be available from this Friday night at the Pool.
  •  Just a reminder that our Skills Session times have changed. Dividing the classes provided a great platform for our swimmers to refine their skills last Friday afternoon.

Ø  Intermediate Level Squad Swimmers swim from 4.15pm to 4.45pm

Ø  Senior Level Squad Swimmers swim from 4.45 to 5.15pm

Ø  Mini Squad swimmers are not eligible to participate at this time.

Skills sessions are open to both Squad and Club Members who meet the standards outlined above.

We look forward to seeing you at the Pool!