Week 2 notices

Wrap up on last weeks Club night

Our first Club Night for the season was last Friday night and it was wonderful to see so many new and returning families at the pool! Apologies for the delayed start time after a few teething problems with computers and batteries, and the huge influx of new swimmer registrations. We certainly don’t expect this to happen again and will be back to a 6.00pm start time in future. Thank you all for your patience.  Another thank you goes out to our plentiful volunteers on the night. These willing helping hands make all the difference in achieving a smooth and enjoyable night for all.

Club night tomorrow

Just a reminder that swimming will take place at the Sherwood Pool as per usual tomorrow night. Registrations will open at 5.30pm at which time each swimmer will be given a voting form for this seasons Club Captains. Nominees will deliver a brief speech from 5.55pm. After this time please encourage children to vote for their preferred candidate…both male and female. Votes will be tallied and we will announce the new Captains and Vice Captains at the end of the evening. Good luck to all of those who nominated!

Halloween Club night coming up

We are also asking for small donations of lollies/chocolates for our Halloween Club Night, coming up on Friday the 30th of October. We hope to provide each swimmer with a goodie bag and as such would appreciate any small donations towards this. If you are able to help please drop your donation to the Canteen next Friday night 23rd October.

Pupil Free Day

Please be aware that lessons and squad training will proceed as normal on Monday the 19th October despite the Pupil Free Day at school.

More Thanks …

The Woodbury family have been busy water blasting the ground and organising the shed and flipper labels. Thank you! It looks fantastic and is certainly a safer, less slippery spot for the children.

Volunteers Needed for Swimming Carnival!

A final favour to ask…the school will be hosting a large School Carnival on Tuesday the 10th of November from 9am to 3pm. Please note this is not a Sherwood State School Carnival. However our Canteen will be in full operation and our Convenor Asta is looking for some helpers during the day to assist on the BBQ and in the Canteen. This is obviously a great money earner for our Club. If you are able to help for all or part of the day, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Asta via email at canteen@sherwoodsharks.com.