The start of the new season

With Term 4 commencing next week, its time to get ready for swimming!

Lessons and Squads will commence on Tuesday the 6th October … the first day of Term 4. Please check your lessons times on our Squads page as there have been some changes from last season.

Club nights

Our first club night will be held on Friday the 9th October.  Please check the new “volunteers board” near the canteen on the night and don’t be shy to put your name down – there are a variety of jobs that need doing to make club nights run smoothly and we really do need your help!

If you have never been to one of our club nights, I encourage you come along and try it out.  Registration commences at 5:15pm where the kids can choose which races they would like to swim. Our canteen offers dinner meals and snacks and the BBQ is always fired up. Its a lovely social evening and we are usually all wrapped up by 7:00pm.

Canteen Breakfasts

For our morning squad swimmers, please note that the canteen will be open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings only.

Club Captain Nominations

With the new season comes the opportunity to nominate new club captains for 2015/2016.  Students in Year 5 who are members of the Sherwood Sharks are eligible to nominate.  Nomination Forms will be handed out at the first Club night, with interested students asked to prepare a 30sec speech to present to the Club in week 2.  Swimmers will vote for their favoured candidates.  The responsibilities of the Captains are outlined below:

  • Demonstrate high levels of leadership and personal behaviour.
  • Assist in duties at the regular Club Meets (ie lane ropes, equipment, assisted swim)
  • Assist in leading and guiding club members in their conduct, sportsmanship and swimming achievements.
  • Assist in younger swimmer development through regular attendance at club meets and carnivals.
  • Represent and lead the club at carnivals and other events when required.

Working Bee

A big thank you to those families who attended our working bee on the weekend…the Hughes, Chapman, Holmes, Leis, Woodbury, Toomey, Boothey, Eastment and Preston families. Your time and efforts are greatly appreciated.