Skills Sessions and Club Nights start tonight!

This week it’s been wonderful to see so many kids back enjoying the pool and their swimming. Thank you for being so well behaved and patient while the children settle in to their new routines and their swimming levels are assessed to confirm any changes to classes.

This week our Friday afternoon skills sessions return. These are free and run from 4-5pm. This week we are working on breaststroke.

Club nights also return this week! We have something to suit everyone, from 12.5m assisted races, to 15, 25, 50 and 100m events. All are welcome, so please encourage your friends to also come along and give it a try! We will be continuing to provide dinners from the canteen and it’s an opportunity for the adults to catch up too!

As this is our first week back, please come along early (5.30pm) to register your details, if you haven’t done this before. We would like to try to have all registrations close by 5.50 so that we can start racing at 6pm sharp. We look forward to seeing you all there!