Latest News from the Shark Tank!

Club Championships 2017

On Friday night the 3rd of November we held our Club Championships Carnival. With almost 100 swimmers in the water and a grandstand full of spectators it was a very exciting night of racing.

Congratulations to all those children who raced and put in their very best effort! Our Age Champions will be announced on Friday the 17th of November at the commencement of our Club Night.

A big thank you to our Committee Members who worked so hard to put together such a fabulous event.

Our thanks also to our volunteers who manned the Canteen and BBQ and acted as Timekeepers on the night. These events cannot happen without our volunteers.

A special thank-you to those who regularly assist – we greatly appreciate your help. For those who have not yet been able to – we would welcome your help starting with Nov 17th back at the Shark Tank!

Term One 2018 & Summer Intensive Swimming

Watch this space – shortly we will announce our upcoming swimming program and provide an opportunity to enrol via our online tool before end of school term on Friday Dec 9th.

We are hoping to also offer some school holiday intensive programs so stay tuned.

Club Captains 2017

Another piece of exciting news was the announcement of our new Club Captains for the 2017/2018 Season. After a very close vote we look forward to welcoming the following students as our new leaders.

Girls Captain – Amy Holmes

Boys Captain – Hunter Hughes

Girls Vice-Captain – Lily Holmes

Boys Vice- Captain – Jimmy Chapman

Congratulations and thank you to Sam, Sian, Ronin and Summer for your efforts and enthusiasm as our captains for 2016/2017.

Safety at the Shark Tank

A safety reminder: ALL GLASS IS PROHIBITED in the pool area. “Pool safe” (no glass) drinks are now available at the Shark Tank Bar.

Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you back at the Shark Tank soon.