Last week of swimming

It’s hard to believe but this week is the last week of term 4 swimming for the Sherwood Sharks. A few reminders and information for this week:

  • All squads and classes will continue as normal.
  • Please check the lost property box for togs, clothes, goggles etc. Any items at the end of the season are delivered up to the school’s lost property area.
  • Club night this week is our Christmas break up party. Join us for some fun relays, free swims, and dancing and help celebrate the festive season. In the spirit of giving, we ask you donate a gold coin when entering this week and bring a plate of food to share. A full canteen will not be run but remaining stock will be sold and there will be a $1 sausage sizzle on offer. All proceeds from entry and the sausage sizzle will be donated to Brain Injury Australia,  the peak acquired brain injury (ABI) advocacy body representing, through its State and Territory Member Organisations, the needs of people with an acquired brain injury, their families and carers.
  • For those swimming in Squirts, Nemos, Hammerheads and Mini Squad, don’t forget our sign on day for Term 1 2014 is on Tuesday 3 December, 3.15 pm at the pool. Please use the sign on forms available on our website (Payment and sign on forms both required). Places in particular groups will not be confirmed unless and until your payment is received by the Club.