Joint Club Night with Oxley

We’re very excited our next Club night will be a joint Club night with the Oxley swim club visiting the Shark Tank. Last year Oxley hosted Sherwood, this is our chance to have some practice races against swimmers from another Club and hosting and running a joint, friendly, meet.

Please come along to the night, make Oxley welcome, and most of all have a great time swimming with your friends.

Note there will be a couple of changes this week: the most important one is that the start time for racing will be 6.30pm. Nominations will be accepted from 5.30 onwards or your can e-mail our registrars before 6.00 pm Thursday night.

We’ll be seeking some extra volunteers to help out with the canteen and BBQ as we will be expecting larger than usual numbers. Otherwise, we will be running the night as normal with volunteers required as always for timekeeping and marshalling. Please put your hand up early to help out, or get in touch with the committee and let us know you’re keen. Many hands make light work!

This will be good practice for the upcoming Oxley Cup which will take place on Sunday 9 March.  We ask that all our swimmers show their Sherwood Best in their behaviour, listening to the instructions in the marshalling area, and remembering the rules we have been talking about each Club Night about starts, turns and finishing touches. 

We are looking forward to a great night. Come down and show your support for the Sherwood Sharks!!!