Friday night results

It was a small but dedicated group of families who came to Club night this week, and had a great time despite the earlier poor weather. The rain cleared, all ages swam, and everyone enjoyed the delicious Canteen meals prepared by Asta. As well as our usual BBQ fare this week the choices included pasta bolognese, sushi and a chinese banquet, at very affordable prices.

Tonight’s swimming results are now available via the Meet Mobile app.

Special thanks as always go out to our volunteers who helped the night run smoothly, covering the BBQ, canteen, timekeeping, registrars and those generally organising the night. This week our volunteers came from the King, Parker, Raymond, Preston, Barton, Kennedy, Peapell, Bestwick, Nixon, McFarlane, Sutherland, Grills, Burton families, and Macca. Sincere apologies if I have missed anyone.

Swimmers from grade 5 and 6 can still nominate for Club Captain and Vice captain: nomination forms will be at the pool all week. The elections will take place next week.