Easter Holiday Intensives
We have had to make minor changes to our session times that are available over the Easter Intensives due to demand.
When: Second week of the holidays
Monday 9th to Friday 13th of April (This is a 5 day program)
Cost: $75 – please finalise by the 5th of April.
All Squads (Senior, Inter, Mini)
7.00am to 8.00am
Mini Transition (LTS)
8.00am to 8:30am
8:30am to 9.00am
9.15am to 9.45am (This session is at capacity)
9.45am to 10:15am
Please visit our website at sherwoodsharks.com and complete the online registration. Please advise if your child is attending Vacation Care so arrangements can be made to deliver the children safely to the pool (vacation care is on an excursion Thursday 12th April). Registrations will close on Monday the 26th of March.
When registrations close you will be invoiced accordingly.
All new swimmers welcome!