Club Night – 13/2/2015

Tonight’s club night marks the end of a big week for the club. It has been great to see so many new and old faces down at the pool for training during the week, and at last weeks club night. Special thanks again to the parents who volunteered to help with the time keeping, BBQ, starting and canteen.

Tonight’s club night schedule will follow the same as last week with an approximate start time of 6:00pm with an aim to conclude around 7:30pm. The canteen special this week is Fish and Chips. Please remind the kids to register as soon as they arrive so we can start as close to 6:00pm as possible.

In other Sharks news this week, we had a number of swimmers compete at the Walter Taylor District swimming carnival. While there were several impressive PBs set on the day, special congratulations must go to Mia Hughes who has qualified for the Met-West regional team in the 50m freestyle.

Finally, this weeks skills session will be focused on Breastroke. All squad members are encouraged to attend as these sessions offer in the water correction. The session will begin at 4:00pm and conclude prior to club night at approximately 5:00pm.

Hope to see you there!