Club Championships 2015

This Sunday, the Club Championships will be held at ‘The Shark Tank’. Club Championships are a Sherwood only meet with swimmers competing for age champion of their respective age groups.

The schedule of the day will be as follows:

1:30pm – Gates Open

1:45pm – Pool Opens for warm-up

2:00pm –  Approx. Start

4:30pm –  Approx. Finish

In terms of nomination for Club Championships the best way is to either fill out the nomination sheet (link below) and hand it to me at the pool, or email me directly with nominations. (

Club Championships nomination form:

All swimmers who are 9 years old or under will swim 25m races, and all swimmer 10 years and older will swim 50m races. The 100m freestyle will only be available for the 10 years, 11 years and 12+ years age groups on Sunday. However, I encourage all swimmers who are comfortable with the 100m distance to continue swimming both the medley and the freestyle events at club nights. Everyone who swims will be eligible and will receive points for age champion. However, it is advised that anyone who wishes to take out their respective age championship does compete in all races available to them as, mathematically it is very difficult for a swimmer to make up the points if they do not compete in all races within their age group.

NB: There will be no 15m races on the day

This meet is a chance for all swimmers who are involved in the club in way or another to compete in a slightly more formal, however still friendly competition. Andrew will be race referee on the day and will be watching to make sure all technical aspects of each race are met. I will be revisiting all of these with the kids during the week so it is fresh in their minds!

Training sessions this week in general will have a more technical focus so that all kids can perform at their optimum levels. I encourage any swimmers who have specific aspects of their swimming that they are especially concerned about eg. technique of any stroke, dives, tumble turns, to come and have a discussion with me so we can work out a time, if possible, to address this before Sunday.

Finally, the canteen will be fully operational with all the usual drinks and snacks available, along with the BBQ and a club champs special of Nachos!

Looking forward to a great day, hope to see you there!

Coach Kendall