Club Break Up Party and Presentation Day

It’s hard to believe but the 2012-2013 swimming season is over!

Please join us for our annual break up party and presentation day at 2pm on Sunday 21 April, when we celebrate everyone’s hard work and contributions throughout the season.

All children who swam at our Club Championships will receive something on presentation day. However this day is not just for those who swam at Club Champs. All Club members and swimmers are invited to come along and join in the party!

We’ll thank the parents who helped out throughout the season and congratulate the kids who have swum with the Sherwood Sharks, on their efforts.

Where: The Shark Tank (Sherwood State School Pool)

When: 2pm Sunday 21st April

What to bring: Your togs, big smiles and a plate of party food to share. After presentations, we’ll sell off the last of our canteen stock and everyone can enjoy a free swim.