AGM wrap up

New members

Monday evening we held our Annual General Meeting. We are pleased to announce that we have a new and enthusiastic committee. The following school community members are now set to lead this fun and dynamic voluntary committee:

President: Elke Hughes

Secretary: Caroline Preston 

Lesson coordinator: Pauline Goldie

Canteen convenor: Asta Parker

Registrars: Rachel Peapell, Angela Nixon and Jodi Holmes

Website support: Vanessa Chapman

We also have some great new general committee members include: Simon Leis, Kat Boothey, Rebecca Woodbury and Margie Loveday. Our retired executive members have also volunteered to remain as general committee members to assist in the transition and succession of the new executive membership team. 

Thanks for all the hard work

The AGM saw a number of our long term members retire from their positions. Dr Nelson made special mention of the outstanding hard work of Yasmin Kennedy who has been an outstanding force and leader in the planning and running of this club, as the president in recent years and as the secretary for many years before hand.  A heartfelt thank you from all of us, committee members and swimmer parents, Yas, for your efforts, passion and hard work. 

Great thanks must go to our amazing treasurer, Jill Johnstone, who has been a font of knowledge, a tireless and committed financial guide and a mighty support in times of need. Jill, if it wasn’t for you, our committee would have not been able to sustain and maintain our professional processes and financial support of our paid employees and efficient accounts mechanisms.  Thank you. 

For many, many years Vanessa Raymond, has been a mighty advocate for providing high quality swimming training to the children of our community. Vanessa has been our swim lesson and squad coordinator for many, many years. She has planned, coordinated and shuffled little swimmers to best accommodate their needs.  She has placated parents and helped coordinate leagues of champion swimmers. In addition, Vanessa has spent every Friday night “herding cats” (marshalling) to ensure our swim club runs smoothly. Vanessa we are sad to see you step down from this role and appreciate that your own wonderful children played on the pool deck whilst you organised everyone else’s children. We hope the parents truly appreciate your efforts.

As the secretary I have enjoyed keeping everyone informed through these newsletters over the last couple of years.  This is my last one after a number of years and I truly thank Caroline Preston for taking on the role. 

Committee Members needed – NOW

We are delighted that new members have joined the committee but we are still seeking a treasurer as well as a vice-president. Both roles will be highly supported so if you are thinking about joining the committee, these roles may interest you. If you are interested in contributing to the committee, then please contact one of the committee members via the webpage .

Next meeting

Tuesday 21st July 2015 –Time and Location TBA