Well done to those swimmers who braved the cold and swam at last Friday nights Club Night!

This Friday is an important night for our future Captains and Vice Captains. Nominations for these positions have been received and the night will proceed as follows:

  1. At 5.50pm on Friday night the nominees will be introduced and will each give a 30 second speech detailing why they think they would make a fantastic Club Captain.
  2. Immediately following this, all paid swim club members will vote for a girl and boy captain of their choice.
  3. During the racing the votes will be counted.
  4. Following the final race our new Captains and Vice Captains for the upcoming season will be announced!

Please note the following time change to our Senior and Adult Squad Training in the afternoons. As from next Monday the 24th of October, the Senior and Adult Squads will train from 4pm to 5pm alongside the Intermediate Squad. Any queries can be directed to our Club President Elke at president@sherwoodsharks.com.

Finally, we still have numerous families with overdue Squad and Club Fees. Please arrange payment as soon as possible.


Thanks everyone!